Archived Community Blog Posts
City of Coachella ChristmasTree
12/15/2017 (Permalink)
Its Christmas in Coachella
At SERVPRO of Indian Wells we are not only involved in residential and commercial services we also assist at a civic level. At one point our marketing manager Chris Bennett was the president of the Coachella Chamber of commerce. Ever since that honor he has attended as many functions as possible due to the strength of that connection.
In this Picture we see the Coachella Christmas tree pre-lighting, this is a fun event where the chamber and city team up to bring some Christmas cheer to the residents. They serve up Pan Dulce to the crowd-goers as well as delicious champurado (think Mexican egg nog).
This is a way that we connect with our area to show that we are there in good times and challenging ones as well.
Thousand Palms Xmas party
12/14/2017 (Permalink)
Xmas with 1000 Palms Chamber
At SERVPRO of Indian Wells we enjoy community involvement. We live in an area with nine cities that feel like one great big city with many facets.
One of our smaller communities is the northern city of 1000 Palms, this is a great group with a down home feel. Whenever we get a chance to attend an event we know we are in for a treat. The CEO William Senso always makes his way to many of the valleys events, so it is nice to return the favor and attend his organizations event.
In this picture we see a shot of their annual Christmas party, they offer good food and a very entertaining gift basket raffle. This year’s event was held at the local Rabobank. We even had a guest appearance from Eduardo Garcia from our local state assembly.
Merry Christmas
La Quinta Candidates Forum
9/21/2016 (Permalink)
La Quinta City Candidates
At SERVPRO of Palm Springs and SERVPRO OF Indian wells we are involved in our Community.
This a photo from today's City of La Quinta - Candidates Forum.
Our speakers in today's events are:
Linda Evans- Mayor
Kathleen Patrick - Council
Kristy Franklin - Council
Victoria Llort - Candidate
Steve Sanchez - Candidate
The event was held at Ernies Clubhouse in PGA west. The topics covered were in regards the future of the city, Tax increases and other pertinent information.
They also spoke about the need to increase the citys ability to handle flooding as was the case 2012 and 2014.
It is important as a local business, to stay informed on matters that impact us all.
We are committed to going the distance and seeing things through.
SERVPRO, "Like it never even happened!"
CET - Career Fair day
8/29/2016 (Permalink)
CET career day
SERVPRO is always looking for a few good people to help out with on our our mission. We are especially impressed by people who seek out education and training. Like any good employer we believe that that interdependence is the format for an effective Team.
Here we are at a Career fair for some students at the Center for Employment Training. We conducted multiple initial interviews for Production and Administrative positons. We then setup secondary interviews at our facility.
Go out and meet your potetial employees, not all resumes reflect the candidate, Get eyes on them and ask questions. We all shine in different ways.
We have been hiring from CET for several years and find the quality of their candidates to be much better than other hiring streams. This is a testament to the staff which takes a very old-fashioned approach to complete and throrough training.
Hire for attitude , Train for aptitude
Whats in your Kitchen ?!?
8/29/2016 (Permalink)
Pizza and Kiwanis, Community involvement at its best
SERVPRO is all about giving back, from the multiple charities we donate to; and to all the fun events we lend a hand at - 'Givers Gain' is our constant mantra.
The 'Slice of La Quinta' annual pizza contest, is an event for the City of La quinta'. Normally it is for local restaurants...But, We took home the prize for "Best Crust".
Here is our marketing manager (Chris Bennett on the right) with a few pizza pies and a Kiwanis pamphlet.
We thank our local La quinta Costco, they where nice enough to donate the (25) pizza boxes that we needed.
This is a really fun event, and if your like our marketing manager - there is never a 'Bad Pizza'.
Once the work is done, its time for fun.
Golfing with The guys
8/29/2016 (Permalink)
Coachella Chamber of Commerce
Here in the Coachella valley, Golf is more than just a 'great way to ruin a good walk'. Its a way for folks to relax and form stronger bonds over some friendly competition. How a person plays the game, can be very telling.
The golf tourney was held at the Terra Lago course in North Indio, we were able to set-up a vendor booth and offer refreshments to the players.
We tend to set-up at several tourneys throughout the year, so keep your eyes peeled for the Big Green tent with the Orange house; we always give the coolest stuff.
Here we have Assmebly member Eduardo Garcia and the Mayor of Coachella Steven Hernandez. Great Guys, out having a well deserved break.
SERVPRO, always there to share the love.
Christmas Cookies
8/26/2016 (Permalink)
Joyce Donaldson former Indio Chamber of Commerce CEO, enjoying some cookies.
For several years, our team has gotten together on the holidays to show the valley how we are different.
We bake and assemble over 1200(it grows each year) cookies to hand out to business partners and fellow vendors.
The funnest part of the project is delivering the items to all of our contacts. We are spread out through a very large service area, but it feels like a small community; this means that people talk. We hope they share the joy with there staff...I hear some even makes it home to family.
Its important to give and share with all aspets of the Service industry. We cant do it alone, so why should we celebrate alone.
Give until it hurts and wake-up again, and do it all over.