Golfing with The guys
8/29/2016 (Permalink)
Here in the Coachella valley, Golf is more than just a 'great way to ruin a good walk'. Its a way for folks to relax and form stronger bonds over some friendly competition. How a person plays the game, can be very telling.
The golf tourney was held at the Terra Lago course in North Indio, we were able to set-up a vendor booth and offer refreshments to the players.
We tend to set-up at several tourneys throughout the year, so keep your eyes peeled for the Big Green tent with the Orange house; we always give the coolest stuff.
Here we have Assmebly member Eduardo Garcia and the Mayor of Coachella Steven Hernandez. Great Guys, out having a well deserved break.
SERVPRO, always there to share the love.